
TheTrustCapitals is a brand name of TheTrustCapitals Markets, (“The Company”) regulated by the Financial Services Commission of the Republic of Mauritius with an Investment Dealer license GB21027167, having its registered office at Level 6, Ken Lee Building, 20 Edith Cavell St, Port Louis, Mauritius.

The deposit and refund conditions provided by the Company to its Clients is amended from time to time. The Clients must read carefully and understand the conditions set out herein before proceeding to funding their accounts.


The Client acknowledges that he has read, understood and accepted the Deposit and Refund conditions as amended and reviewed on a regular and ongoing basis, in addition to any other information and/or policy and/or agreements available on the Company’s website:

1. Deposit Procedure
  • Third payment prohibited. Clients can only use cards or bank accounts under the same name as registered with TheTrustCapitals. The Company reserves the right to require proof from the ClieDemoy time; failure to comply may result in the payment being frozen or void.
  • Deposit to TheTrustCapitals should be made from a source (e.g. bank account, payment system, credit/debit cards, etc.). Funding via E-wallets or debit/ credit cards, Client may login to his My TheTrustCapitals portal. The Company’s bank account dDemore also mentioDemohe Client wishes to transfer via wire transfer.
  • The Company enforces a limitation of up to 3 (three) cards per client. If the Client needed to replace card details, but surpassed the three cards allocation, Client may contact the Company’s payment team ([email protected] ). Please note that the team may request for the Client’s card details.
  • Clients need to refrain from using prepaid and virtual cards or any method of payments which does not allow refunds to be processed.
  • The Company does not charge for any transfer fees for using its deposit / withdrawal methods, but intermediary banks or E wallets may do so, which is beyond the Company’s control.
  • The Clients may be required to send a scanned colored copy of both sides of the card to combat fraud. The Client should NOT send these copies if the Company did not require to do so.
  • Upon a Client receipt of the request from the Company and before sending these copies, the Client must cover (black-out) all digits except the first 6 and last 4 on the front side of the card for security purposes.
  • The Client is also requested to cover (black-out) the CVV code on the back side of the card; whilst the embossed copy of the first 6 and last 4 number of the front side must be visible. All other details must be clear and visible, and the signature section must be signed.
  • TheTrustCapitals
  • The Company will never ask for any sensitive card details such as the full card number, CVV code, 3D secure code, PIN code etc. If the Client received any kind of suspicious request for any sensitive details from an unclear source, the Client should contact the Company’s compliance department for investigation at [email protected]
2. Refund conditions

TheTrustCapitals provides clients with a clear and transparent refund policy. In cases that the Clients are not satisfied with the Company’s service level and did not make trading, investing, conversion transactions, the Client can request a refund. The Company offers a 100% refund within 1 working day of the original service deposit. The request will be reviewed within 5 business days

  • After one day, the deposit will no longer be refundable and will be treated as normal withdrawal based on the existing withdrawal terms and conditions.
  • The Client agrees not to request for a refund or chargeback from its payment method provider at any time while or after using the Company’s services.
  • Profits or losses received as a result of the Client’s trading activity cannot be subject to refund the request.
  • Refunds should be made only to the payment system / card client used to deposit.

The Clients may be required to send a scanned colored copy of both sides of the card to combat fraud. Failure to provide the requested scanned copy of the card used to deposit in the MT5 account will mean a refund of the amount net of PSP fees.

The Clients may be required to submit below additional documents regardless of the initial documents submitted during the account opening application process, to combat terrorist financing:

  • Clearer copy of the Identification document (passport, or any government issued identification cards
  • Clearer copy of the address proof (utility bill, bank or card statement that holds the Client’s name and full residential address issued within the last three months).
  • One or more of the following options to confirm possession of the card by the owner:
    1) A recent copy of the bank statement containing the cardholder’s full name, first 6 and last 4 digits of card number (sensitive data must be covered). If screenshots are provided the URL page must be visible.
    2) Authorization code for the payment in question (AUTH code), Clearer color copies of both sides of the card. Where the middle of the card must be covered on both sides, leaving the first 6 and last 4 digits visible; the CVC / CVV codes at the back of the card must be covered. The card back side must be signed by the cardholder.

If the origins of the Client’s funds and/or the whole activities are contrary to the Company’s Anti – Money Laundering Policy (AML Policy), the Company reserves unilateral rights to cancel transferring of funds (deposit or withdraw) and freeze the assets to refund them back.

A refund request can be made in cases in which the deposit fund is received from a third party bank account instead of from the client’s bank account.

In this case, the same method of payment used for the deposit will be used for the refund. The refund will be for the full amount, less any applicable fees or dues including but not limited to wire fees.

Refund and all other funding requests will be treated as WITHDRAWALS and will be processed using those methods and procedures as described in the Withdrawal Procedures.

Failure to provide one of the requested above mentioned documents will mean a refund of the amount net of PSP fees.

3. Dispute

Any dispute arising with or in connection to any of the terms and conditions of the Deposit and Refund Policy shall be dealt by tDemony as per the Company’s Complaint handling policy.

All complaints must be in writing and addressed to the Customer Support team of the Company via email at

Please note that this policy cannot be exhaustive, and additional conditions or requirements may apply at any time due to regulations and policies, including those set-in order to prevent money laundering. All usage of the site and services is subject to the Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by TheTrustCapitals, at its sole discretion.